Thursday, July 30, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Pumping Iron

Pumping Iron is a 1977 documentary movie about the run-up to the 1977 Mr. Olympia muscle building competetion. The film focuses on Arnold Schwarzzeneger and his competitors, Lou Ferringo and Franco Columbu. The documentary was co-directed by Robert Fiore and George Butler. It was based on the book of the same name by Charles Gaines and George Butler.
Says Wiki.

I have seen this movie before one week. I was suprised, how hard these guys have to exercise. Actually many hours per day. I am not bodybuilder and even I don´t like this sport, but I admire their "healthy" lifestyle, determination and enduranc. With the healthy lifestyle I don´t mean that it´s healthy for your hearth to have 120 more kilograms of muscles. It´s crazy. But still it´s better than drinking alcohol a lot and smoking cigarets or taking drugs.

What do YOU think about bodybuilding? Do you like how they look like? Write me to the comments, please.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How I met your mother?

How I Met Your Mother is the american sitcom by CBS televison. Premiere of the pilot was on the 19th September 2005. Completely made are yet only 4 series of 20 to 24 parts. In May 2009 was the fourth serie finished.

In my opinion is the best person in this serie Barney Stinson. He is hopeless, rich and principled womanizer. He slept with more than over 3600 girls, every night with another one. So there is question. Why is he my favorit person? And answer ... is comming ... wait ... wait for it ... cause I am like him - quite. I love his frazes. Still and still more and more. Like a Legendary, Wait for it, High Five! (for everything), What up?, Suit up! ]:->>

There is Barney Stinson´s personal blog. And there is his awesome reference movie of awesomeness.

There is tle list of my favorit "boomerang jokes". Why boomerang? Because they are repeated more than 1 time in HIMYM.

If you want to read about other persons from HIMYM, read it on Wikipedia, please! There is the link.

In the end of this post I could say only that I learned a lot by Barney Sinson but trust me, he learned a lot by me.

See ya!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Have you twenty more minutes of free time?

Everybody know this situation. Some moment, when you know, that you have 20 more minutes of free time, for example till your bus is leaving, or till ice hockey or rugby match on tv.

So, there is the big question. "What the hell I shell do with my free time?"

I solve your problem, don´t worry. There are plenty of sereies, which you could download them, or watch online.

  • How I met your mother (HIMYM)
  • Big Bang Theory
  • Heroes
  • Lost
  • Friends
  • It Crowds
  • The Simpsons
  • Futurama
  • ...
Except the Lost have all thees series some common features.

  • Funny
  • 20 minutes long (+/- 2 minutes)
  • Addictive ]:->>
  • Instructive (Barney Stinson and his "Have you met..") -> How to get a date with sexy hot girl?
  • Sexy series
Just type name of serie plus "online" or download to google and try to find it.
You will be glad:-)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Monkey Business? Amazing music band from Czech Rep.

I discovered this awesome music band only few days ago. They play funky style. I really like their crazy ideas for songs and really original lirics. At all I canť say you how exciting is listening to them...

Monkey Business - Piece of my life

Monkey Business - I´m Branded

Monkey Business - My friends

Do you like them?

God is a DJ

There is some fantastic movie clip how God is playing with people, like with toys.
Don´t you believe me?
You will see.

What do you think about it?

How I started with blogging...

Hi, everybody.

I´m there new. This blog is my first blog in my life. I´m not originally from english speaking country, but it does not matter, right? It´s better, because you could laught to me a lot. I would like to write about interesting news and topics like:
  • Mac Os X world vs. Microsoft and my opinions
  • "Sex and the city", I mean people and sex and girls and things arround it, you know
  • Technical news
  • "Caffe" like my personal observations
  • Business
  • ...
I look forward my next post and als for first visitors.
See Ya